
Required System

Windows XP or later, 100MB free hard drive

VideoCleaner works on any Window's computer, or virtualized session. If your computer configuration does not support a specific feature, all the other features will remain fully functional.

VideoCleaner installation guide PDF document

The installation guide will automatically appear on screen once installation has begun, and it must be followed for VideoCleaner to function (requires 2 to 5 minutes). To update your current version of VideoCleaner, run the installer but say NO to installing AVISYNTH and FFDSHOW (so you do not need to configure anything).

The installer

VideoCleaner will automatically:
1. Create a 'VideoCleaner' folder at the root level of your C drive
2. Create a VideoCleaner folder with shortcuts in your Programs list
3. Copy shortcuts (VideoCleaner and user's guide) to your desktop
4. Install the two support programs (AVIsynth and FFDshow)

The configuration

1. Adjust settings so the components work together
2. Set optional user preferences

VideoCleaner installation video
If you encounter an error, read the support page