Use / List / Override / Subtract features
Slide to the right to see a list of all active VideoCleaner features, override the built-in conflict / overload checker, or subtract the changes.

Enhancement Transparency (7=bypass)
Slide rightward to overlay a greater percentage of the untouched video. The rightmost position disables all enhancements.

Compare Original to Enhanced
Move the slider to the leftmost position to view just the video as it is being enhanced. The next position places the original and enhanced versions side-by-side. The next rightward setting places the original and enhanced atop each other. The rightmost position will show a single video that sweeps back and forth between the original and enhanced versions.

MODE: Normal / Full / Both / Matrix
Determines what the Compare slider will depict as the original. It can be the unenhanced version with the same size & frame changes, the untouched version, both, or a matrix of them all.


Tutorial video - basic Features

TOOLS This group is your primary tool box with corrections for lighting, color, artifacts, focus and hotspots.

CURVE Bend the illumination allocation range.

FORENSIC Emphasize object edges, amplify or isolate changes, average away noise, and isolate iFrames.

ANALYSIS Test image and video authenticity with special filters that can detect content manipulation. The User's guide explains this section in great detail.

PROPERTIESTutorial video - Properties Features

CORE Change basic properties like volume, playback speed, and which range of consecutive frames to retain.

DUPLICATE Removes duplicate frames using a user specified threshold. There is even an option to automatically maintain the playback speed.

FIELDS Separate interlaced fields, nudge alignment and resize the resulting video back to its original size.

ANGLE Flip or rotate the scene as needed.

CROP Create a zoomed in view. Adjustments can be made by either exact pixel counts or percentages.

RESIZE Adjust video resolution or aspect ratio. Add SuperResolution to increase details.

CHANNELS Deactivate any RGB color channel, or convert the video to a gray-scale or negative.

SPECIALTYTutorial video - Specialty Features

DESEQUENCER Remove inconsistent or bad frames (e.g. sequencer, not pan-tilt-zoom video feeds).

VHS Repair the chroma, jitter and synchronization issues associated with digitized VHS recordings.

LENS Correct fish-eye and pin-cushion lens distortion.

VIEW Change the viewing perspective by setting quadrilateral coordinate pairs.

COLORIZE Adjust the RGB video colors. Includes strength and frequency controls.

FINALIZingTutorial video - Finalizing Features

MARGIN Add a header to hold the annotations and/or a footer to depict the audio signal.

ACCENT Add an adjustable oval or rectangle to the video and control its brightness and pixilation.

TEXT Insert custom text (set with F2 key) onto the video.

NUMBER Insert frame numbers onto the video.

TIMESTAMP Insert a time stamp onto the video








Final controls

FINAL Colorspace
By default, VideoCleaner operates in 32-bit RGB color space to preserve maximum details. At the completion of its processing, the resulting video can be converted to YUV color-space to create a more compact file size. You also have the option to blend the original and enhanced versions. This filter group will always be the last one listed